Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Austria - we have arrived!

We finally made it to Austria. Just to backtrack, we went to Bern, Switzerland for a day on our way to Interlaken. It was one of our favorites so far. It was a hot day and we spent some time soaking our feet along the riverbank next to the bears - yes, bears is right. Even made it in time to the Einstein museum before closing. Uncle Jim, we took tons of pics for you (but unforutately, his house wasn not open). Then we had a great few days in Interlaken, Switzerland. We went to the "Top of Europe" at Jungfaujoch (spelled something like that but I cant remember now) and got to chimmy up in the snow to a beautiful view of theAlps. Just amazing! glad we brought our winter wear. So long for now, well let zou knów how everzthing goes over the next couple of dazs once we reach Salzberg tomorrow.  These German kezboards are reallz different to tzpe on!  We are in Insbrook, Austria, tonight and will be leaving in the morning for Salzburg.  We will be visiting a concentration camp memorial, the Sound of Music tour, a salt mine, and some ice caves while in Salzburg.  The hostels were nice to stay in while at our first few destinations, but it is nice to be in an actual hotel tonight.  We have lots of great pictures we are excited to share with everyone.  We will check in next time we have access to internet, probably in Salzburg or Munich.  Chow for now.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Road trip - European style!

A: Geneva, Switzerland
B: Lausanne, Switzerland
C: Interlaken, Switzerland
D: Innsbruck, Austria
E: Salzburg, Austria
F: Munich, Germany
G: Füssen, Germany
H: Geneva, Switzerland
and then home

This is a general map of our road trip itinerary. Each stop is a city where we will be staying overnight at least 1 day. From there we will travel to other spots outside the city (Bern, Switzerland; Hallstatt, Austria; and towns in Germany t.b.d.)

As I promised before, I'll share a more detailed itinerary once we finalize it a little more. There are just so many places we want to go and see, and it seems impossible to imagine fitting it all in and relaxing at the same time! Rick Steves, how do you do it?

If you have favorite places you've been, we'd love to hear about them and of course, any safe driving and travel tips are super helpful!


First couple days of our trip in Lausanne, Switzerland. Looks like we will have a day of rain on Wedesday, but sunny the rest of the time. I'll have to remember to bring an umbrella! Might have to do some indoor tours on Wednesday.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Less than a week away!!!!

Here is our departure information. Once, I get a hold of all our overnight confirmations, I'll send our itinerary for those of you that worry.